Industrial Tape FAQs

  1. What are the Mactac Industrial Tape lines of mounting and bonding tape?
    • MacBond - double-coated tape products for general purpose high-performance applications.  MacMount - double-coated polyethylene foam tapes for irregular or uneven surfaces. Rivit GSTape - high strength, aggressive tack adhesive tape that can replace mechanical fasteners.
  2. Is Mactac ISO 9001 certified?
    • Click here to request the most recent copy of Mactac's ISO 9001 certificate.
  3. How do I purchase Mactac Industrial Tape products?
    • Mactac Industrial Tape products are sold on a direct basis not through distribution. Mactac Customer Service can be reached from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Eastern at 800-321-0011.
  4. What is the Mactac Industrial Tape freight policy?
    • If you use a Mactac core carrier we will ship the order prepaid and charge. If you would like to specify the carrier the order will ship collect.
  5. What is the lead time on orders for Industrial Tape products?
    • Lead times are based on time and quantity of material ordered.
  6. Do you have a MSDS for Mactac Industrial Tape products?
    • Click here to download a copy of the standard MSDS.
  7. Does Mactac Industrial Tape provide IMDS for their products?
    • To request an IMDS for Mactac Industrial Tape products, fill out the Contact Us form. It is important you provide the Mactac part number you will be using, your IMDS number, your name, company name, address, and a valid fax number. Mactac does not send IMDS information via e-mail. If a valid fax number is not provided we will send the letter via USPS.
  8. Does Mactac Industrial Tape provide RoHS for their products?
    • If you need detailed compliance information please fill out the Contact Us form. It is important you provide the Mactac part number you will be using, you name, company name, address, and valid fax number. Mactac does not send compliance letters via e-mail. If a valid fax number is not provided we will send the letter via USPS.
  9. How do I know when to use rubber or acrylic adhesive tape?
    • Rubber based adhesives adhere best to plastics like ABS, polypropylene, and polyethylene. Most rubber based adhesives withstand temperatures of 90°C and pass aggressive specifications for adhesion. Acrylic adhesives work best when the substrate being bonded contains chemical solvents and plasticizers which can degrade the adhesive over time. Acrylic adhesive is also recommended for applications with direct exposure to UV light.
  10. Why should I choose a double-coated adhesive instead of a free-film?
    • A double-coated adhesive contains a supported layer (called a carrier) between the two adhesive layers. This carrier provides reinforcement for the finished part which makes the product dimensionally stable and stronger. The majority of Mactac Industrial Tape products contain a polyester carrier but polypropylene, polyethylene foam, and non-woven fabrics are also available.
  11. What release liner does Mactac Industrial Tape recommend?
    • Mactac offers a number of release liner options for Technical products. The liner you choose depends largely on the adhesive system and the application. Kraft paper liners offer firmness and thickness stability in die cutting applications. Poly-coated paper liners offer moisture stability and board liners make removal during production easier.